About Us
+Schneider Brahmans is a registered cattle operation founded in 1974 by 0.W. and Donna Schneider, a six generation Texas Hill Country ranching family. 2024 marked the 50th anniversary of Schneider Brahmans producing quality Brahman beef in the Texas Hill Country. Today the +S Brahmans cattle operation, breeding program and direct sales beef company, +S Buy Brahman Beef is managed and operated by Wesley Schneider and William Schneider.
+S Brahmans is headquartered at Fredericksburg, Texas and consists of 8,000+ acres of owned and leased lands throughout the Texas Hill Country.

Ranch to Table

Schneider Brahmans –
In 2022 +S Brahmans Ranch to Table Retail Beef Program was founded. The decision being to utilize +S Beef’s Superior Carcass Genetics for Tenderness, Rib Eye Area and Marbling to provide a flavorful and healthy beef dining experience.
Breeding Program
Schneider Brahmans –
The Schneider’s have selected and bred their Brahmans to perform well and be self sufficient in this their large pasture environment.
Important traits selected for include desirable retail carcass quality, fertility, good disposition, moderate birth weights, correct feet and legs and cattle that maintain good condition using native pasture with minimal supplementation. Special emphasis is placed on cows having clean bags, correct well placed udders and good mothering ability. The Schneider’s are proud of their cattle being able to perform well in any type of ranching country they may experience.
The progressive breeding program at Schneider Brahmans includes natural pasture breeding, artificial insemination and an aggressive embryo transfer program utilizing the best horned and polled Brahman genetics in the breed.
Schneider Brahmans is proud of its many repeat national and foreign buyers.
Visitors are always welcome at our ranch in the beautiful Texas Hill Country to see the latest progress in our breeding programs. Feel free to contact us with any inquiries you may have about the cattle and semen we have available.”
-Schneider Brahmans
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We update our page regularly with information on animals we are selling and with photos from around the ranch. We’d love for you to share your photos of Schneider Brahman genetics with us as well!